208 Shoebury Road
Southend - on - Sea
SS1 3RQ.
01702 741789
07968 943447
Complaints Procedure
As Which? Trusted Traders, we are obliged to have a complaints procedure in the event of one occurring.
We're proud of the fact that they don't. However, should a complaint occur, & we were not able to come to a resolution through our own procedure, our customers have the Dispute Resolution Ombudsman available to them, - for dispute resolution.
In the unlikely event of such a complaint arising, our customers could refer the complaint to them, by contacting them on 0333 241 3209, or via their website http://www.disputeresolutionombudsman.org/which-trusted-traders-partnership/.
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If you prefer, leave your contact details and a message, and we will respond to your querie as soon as possible;